Workplace wellbeing

Workplace Training Programs

Psychosocial Safety Training Programs


Our Psychosocial Safety Training Program is designed to transform your workplace into a safe and supportive environment where employees can thrive. This comprehensive program educates leaders and staff on recognising and addressing issues such as stress, burnout, and coercive control. Through tailored workshops, one-on-one coaching, and ongoing support, we equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to foster psychological safety, effective communication, and a culture of inclusivity.

With a strong emphasis on senior leaders’ buy-in, we ensure that the principles of psychosocial safety are prioritised, adequately resourced, and effectively communicated throughout the organisation. Our collaborative approach ensures that the training is designed to meet your organisation’s specific needs, creating customised solutions that drive real change. By prioritising psychosocial safety, your organisation can enhance employee well-being, improve productivity, and reduce risks associated with workplace conflicts and mental health issues.


trauma informed leader

Domestic Family Abuse Workplace Support Programs

Leadership Training

Our Domestic Family Abuse Workplace Support Program Leadership Training equips senior leaders with the essential knowledge and skills to recognise, respond to, and support employees impacted by domestic family abuse. This specialised training focuses on creating an informed leadership team that can identify signs of abuse, understand the complexities of coercive control, and provide a compassionate and effective response. By fostering an environment of trust and safety, leaders can ensure that employees feel supported and confident in seeking help.  Our program also emphasises the importance of developing and implementing comprehensive policies and procedures tailored to your organisation’s needs. Through this training, leaders will be better prepared to champion a culture of support, reduce the stigma associated with domestic family abuse, and promote overall employee well-being and safety.

Customer Service Domestic Family Abuse Support Training


Our Domestic Family Abuse Customer Support Training Program equips customer service employees with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively and compassionately to disclosures of domestic family abuse from customers. This specialised training focuses on recognising the signs of abuse, understanding the appropriate steps to take when a customer shares their experience, and providing immediate support and resources. By fostering an environment of empathy and confidentiality, customer service representatives can ensure that customers feel heard and supported.

The program emphasises the importance of maintaining professionalism, offering non-judgmental responses, and connecting customers with appropriate assistance and resources. Through this training, your organisation can enhance its customer service by being prepared to support customers facing domestic family abuse, thereby promoting a culture of care and safety.


Domestic Family Abuse Peer Support Training

Our Domestic Family Abuse Peer Support Training Program empowers employees to confidently and compassionately respond to disclosures of domestic family abuse in the workplace.

This essential training provides participants with the skills to recognise signs of abuse, understand the appropriate steps to take when someone discloses their situation, and offer immediate support and resources. By creating a network of trained Domestic Family Abuse First Aiders within your organisation, we help build a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable seeking help. 

The program emphasises the importance of maintaining confidentiality, providing a non-judgmental response, and connecting affected individuals with professional assistance. Through this training, your organisation can play a crucial role in supporting those impacted by domestic family abuse and fostering a culture of safety and empathy.

Trauma-Informed Training

Our Trauma-Informed Leadership Training Program provides leaders with essential knowledge and strategies to understand and address the impacts of trauma in the workplace. This training focuses on fostering an environment of psychological safety, recognising signs of trauma, and responding with empathy and support.

By equipping leaders with trauma-informed approaches, they can create a more resilient and inclusive work culture, where employees feel valued and understood. Implementing trauma-informed training enhances leaders’ ability to navigate complex situations, reduce workplace stress, and improve overall employee well-being.

This proactive approach not only supports individual recovery but also boosts organizational productivity, employee engagement, and retention, ultimately leading to a healthier, more supportive workplace.

Trauma-Informed Training

Don't take our word for it - hear from some of my clients.


Lisa's skill is bringing together the head and the heart !"

Lisa McAdams was a key note speaker at a water industry event we co-hosted She was a pleasure to work with as she sought to understand where we were up to as a sector and how she could best add value for the journey we are on. Lisa’s skill is in bringing together the head and the heart. At our event she expertly built the case for action, while helping her audience form a personal connection with the issue. She inspired discussion and motivation for action. Thank you Lisa for such a valuable contribution to our work.
Senior Adviser - Compliance and Engagement (VPSG5) Melbourne

"Down to earth, yet professional!"

Lisa’s natural storytelling ability helped to make the sometimes-abstract concept of financial abuse and domestic violence real for our audience of government and business leaders. Lisa’s down to earth yet professional communications style enabled her to connect with the audience while discussing a sometimes-confronting topic.
Rebecca Wildermuth
Senior Communications Officer at NIISQ Agency

"Lasting Impact!"

I've never heard anyone better articulate the cause, effect and resolution of domestic violence in the workplace. Lisa's ability to communicate in an engaging manner what is going on and how-to best support someone going through domestic violence has been invaluable
Rob Caslick
Founder Two Good Co Sydney

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